Advanced Brake Controller (ABC)
The Advanced Brake Control system is a sophisticated dual-channel differential braking controller, incorporating anti-skid functionality and replacing the older legacy controllers of the F-16 aircraft.
The system is in operational service on-board more than 700 Lockheed Martin’s F-16 aircraft of different blocks, serving in more than 10 different Air Forces around the world. Its superiorbraking performance, coupled with fully redundant features, provides unique
“fail-safe” capabilities.
Technical Data
- Dimensions: (HxWxL) 4.0”x5.1”x6.4” (102x130x163)mm
- Weight: 4 lb (1.8 Kg)
- Qualifications: MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-461 and MIL-STD-704
- Power Consumption: 17 W
- MTBF exceeds 15,000 flight hours
- Improved landing and taxiing safety by:
- Superior braking performance on slippery runway
conditions - icy, snowy, flooded, transitional - Nominal braking performance even in case of a failure
of a control channel. - Nominal braking performance even in case of
a severely degraded wheel speed sensor. - Auto-recording of the last 9 landings for in-depth
- Superior braking performance on slippery runway
- Improves fleet availability and reduces fleet operation
costs by:- Reducing maintenance effort
- Reducing brake and tire wear, provides Life-Cycle-Cost
reduction. - Increasing the entire braking system’s MTBF
- Reducing the entire braking system’s MTTR
Main Features
- Improved braking algorithms - Normal and Backup for effective braking on all runway conditions
- Qualified for F-16 block 15 through 60
- No aircraft modifications required - Retrofit is flight-line executable
- Full dual redundancy - two independent controllers in one LRU
- Fault detection automatically triggers the 2nd redundant braking control channel
- Advanced BIT (Built-In-Test) and diagnostics:
- Covers the entire braking system (cockpit and wheels sensors, wiring and braking pads)
- Diagnostics provides automatic fault isolation
- Auto recording of landings for in-depth diagnostics & debrief
- First failure will be isolated prior to affecting the braking performance
- Full braking performance even with a defective wheel sensor
- Special failure indicator for quick reference for flight-line technician
- Re-programmable via communication channel
- Flight-Line Test Equipment – Utilizing a laptop or a PDA unit
- NSN 1630-17-112-8746
- RSL P/N AY96011129
- LM P/N 16VL014005-1