Airborne HUMS (Health and Usage Monitoring System)

T-HUMS: Ground elements

Integrated Flight Line Software (IFLS)

The IFLS installed on a ruggedized lap-top computer is utilized at the Flight-Line upon the landing of the helicopter/UAV to provide the ground crew immediate indication on the platform's health and readiness for the next flight/sortie including detailed view of the diagnostic decisions performed by the T-HUMS  and  updated usage indicators obtained during flight together with review of flight data recordings (tabular or graphical view).

The IFLS provides also management means for the monitored platform configuration and maintenance activities as well as RT&B management and instructions. 

The IFLS is intended for use by flight line technicians and operation personnel. 

T-HUMS Diagnostic Ground Station

The T-HUMS ground station provides the main element for the fleet management functionality. The ground station provides a detailed health & usage status for the monitored fleet platforms down to each platform's single mechanical rotating component. It enables access to the recorded raw data, the in flight calculated vibration signatures, the health indicators trends and the diagnostic decisions which enables further investigation of the airborne detected anomalies and failure alerts. fleet and allows access to the raw data in order to perform cross-referencing on trends, alerts, anomalies and the recorded flight data across the whole fleet.

The Diagnostic ground station data can be accessed by different echelon levels starting with the squadron level through the wing level and up to the headquarters levels.

The ground station is a web-based station enabling allocation of different secured levels of access.

Both the IFLS and the diagnostic ground station are equipped  with a user friendly intuitive graphical interface.


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